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A12L Android's Optimized version for Large Screen Devices.

Just a few hours ago Google Android Developers has unveiled a new version of Android 12 that will work responsively on Large Screen Devices. Meaning the target market will be Tablets,Foldables and Chromebooks.

Why of all the sudden? As we are all familiar of Large Screen android devices takes the form of the Standard 16:9 ratio as their default screen ratio. As per A12L the platform will work responsively on devices with different screen ratios,such as 16:10,4:3,16,9:18:9 and 1:1.

Figure 1: A12L Screen Orientation Responsiveness Preview.

UI Preview

As an official release from Google the A12L will come with Material You on boot up and is expected to be available on all Large Screen Android devices when manufacturers adapts the new Android Provision.

Figure 2: A12L Notification Panel Preview on 3:4 Screen Ratio.

Purpose of A12L

The A12L was initiated due to a sudden growth of Large Screen devices when the Pandemic started. As a response to a massive 100% comeback growth,Google is not missing a chance to compete on the Large Screen Market once more.

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