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Genshin Impact 2.1 beta-testing phase is now open!

Tsurumi Island in Inazuma (Courtesy of Genshin Impact)

While the 2.0 update is around the corner will be releasing in a week, as players try to wait, they can get to experience the early-stage of the 2.1 update by signing up on the beta-testing servers. You only have until Wednesday, July 7th to be a beta-tester so what are you waiting for?


It’s simple. Players need to fill up a form in order to get a chance to try out the update, they can sign up via their official Discord server, heading to the announcements provided by the admins, or they can sign up directly to the beta-testing form here that is spread through on Twitter. Please note that you’ll be required to have your email address linked to your miHoYo, and have both of your in-game and forum UID ready to be qualified in the application.

You’re unlikely to get into the beta-testing phase of version 2.1 if you’re not a part of the forums. With a massive amount of players worldwide, there’s probably only a small chance that you’ll get selected. With that in mind, selected players are not allowed to share or leak any information concerning the beta-testing phase with anyone, as well as signing an NDA. So, if you’re one of those lucky players, you better keep it only to you and to yourself. Doing such a thing will get you into trouble.


As for the release date, several reports and rumors confirm that the release date for the 2.1 update should roll out around the last week of August 2021. Relying on miHoYo’s announcement regarding the update roadmap, the company says that they will be updating and maintaining the game every six weeks.

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